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Ursula von der Leyen called for a ‘sustainable ceasefire’ in Gaza

Ursula von der Leyen called for a ‘sustainable ceasefire’ in Gaza
12 Mart 2024 12:59

Also underlining the EU's efforts to increase humanitarian aid, von der Leyen said: "As we speak, a ship is sailing from Cyprus to northern Gaza. It carries the most basic type of humanitarian aid. The situation on the ground is more dramatic than ever and has reached a tipping point."

Speaking on the situation of The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), von der Leyen said, "We will continue to pay 50 million euros in support of UNRWA, and the next tranches will be announced as soon as the organization takes the other steps we have agreed upon together. "All of this has one goal: to ensure that every euro we invest is spent according to our rules and reaches Palestinians in need."


Speaking about the current situation in the region, the President of the European Commission said, "Of course, Israel has the right to defend itself and fight against Hamas. However, the protection of civilians must always be ensured in accordance with international law. And there is currently only one way to restore adequate humanitarian aid flows. "The people of Gaza need an urgent humanitarian pause that will lead to a sustainable ceasefire, and they need it now."

Hibya Haber Ajansı


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