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Viktor Orban: If Trump wins the elections he will not give even a penny to Ukraine

Viktor Orban: If Trump wins the elections he will not give even a penny to Ukraine
12 Mart 2024 08:24

In his previous speeches, Trump said that if he won the election, he would end the war in Ukraine within 24 hours.

According to Orbán, Trump has a "detailed plan" to end the Ukraine war, which started with Russia's invasion two years ago.


Calling Trump a "man of peace", Orbán said: "If the Americans do not give money and weapons together with the Europeans, the war will be over. And if the Americans do not give money, the Europeans alone cannot finance this war. And then the war is over."

Orban and Trump met at Trump's home in Palm Beach, Florida, last weekend.

In his statement, Orban said: "President Trump was the president of peace, he commanded respect in the world and thus created the conditions for peace. During his presidency, there was peace in the Middle East, there was peace in Ukraine. And if he was still president of the United States, there would be no war today.

Hibya Haber Ajansı


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