Dolar 34,0495
Euro 38,0803
Altın 2.835,23
BİST 9.975,61
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İstanbul 25°C
Cum 22°C
Cts 25°C
Paz 25°C
Pts 26°C

TurkStat – Floor area of buildings given construction permits increased by 33.4 percent

TurkStat – Floor area of buildings given construction permits increased by 33.4 percent
23 Mayıs 2024 11:55

Total floor area of buildings for which construction permits have been given realized as 36.1 million square metres and 18.5 million square meters of it realized as residential building, 10.0 million square meters of it realized as non-residential building and 7.6 million square meters of it realized as common used area in the first quarter of 2024.


According to the use of building for which construction permits have been given, two and more dwelling residential buildings had the highest floor area share with 23.3 million square meters. It was followed by industrial buildings and warehouses with 3.6 million square meters in the first quarter of 2024.

In the quarter I of 2024, compared with the same period of previous year, number of buildings, number of dwelling units and floor area of buildings increased by 41.2 percent, 38.5 percent and 45.3 percent respectively, according to the occupancy permits given by municipalities to the buildings.

Total floor area of buildings for which occupancy permits have been given realized as 36.7 million square meters and 19.9 million square meters of it realized as residential building, 8.9 million square meters of it realized as non-residential building and 7.9 million square meters of it realized as common used area in the first quarter of 2024.

According to the use of building for which occupancy permits have been given, two and more dwelling residential buildings had the highest floor area share with 25.2 million square meters. It was followed by one dwelling buildings with 2.5 million square meters in the first quarter of 2024.

Hibya Haber Ajansı


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