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Greta Thunberg was removed from the parliament entrance by police force

Greta Thunberg was removed from the parliament entrance by police force
12 Mart 2024 16:30

Two police officers picked up Thunberg, dragged her, and then laid her on the ground about 20 meters away from the door she was blocking.

Thunberg and dozens of other environmental activists began blocking the main entrances to the Swedish parliament on Monday in a sit-in protest against the effects of the climate crisis and political inaction.


Activists left Monday afternoon but returned to protest again Tuesday morning.

Thunberg, 21, has become the face of youth climate activism as her weekly protests, which began outside the Swedish parliament in 2018, quickly grew into a global movement with massive rallies across continents.

Thunberg was detained or removed by police several times last year during protests in countries such as Sweden, Norway and Germany.

Hibya Haber Ajansı


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